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Tuesday, February 7

Is It Me ?

Place : City of All Dreams
Time : N/A
Date : N/A

Starts with ...
Actually, I'm married person in free marriage...me and the girl, Marie (not real name) had been just through an "you-know-what" situation ourselves at one seducing night...yes, it was...we were just do it out of common sense...and suddenly, we've been shocked by lots of voices that just getting around and become any closer with us...I stunned and can't do any moves just because fear of my own fault at that time...Marie felt the same way though but I took those in heavy matter... On the next day, I've woke up late and when I just out of my room, there, in not much spacious living room full of both whole families, sit in steady mode but sad and regretful expressions on their faces I can see...I've been pulled out by someone I know to sit with them on shameful face...waiting for the right person to judge my bad marry-off day...we were in bad mood, of course my family the only shameful because of their son that's me, involved in "you-know-what" matters... I know they took my burden on their shoulders...I felt regretful at that time see my Marie pulled out her face from me...arrgghhh!!what i've done...!!!few minutes later while i'm still in my regret imagination...the judger arrived and sit right in front of me with hastily finished it...and now I'm a husband to Marie...how could I take these burdened on my shoulder right away !?
Why those huge matter could happened like this in just one night ?? I slowly can't accept those matter in my life... I only think that I should die now... But it can't solve anything of course...Marie's family is well-known of their egoist lifestyle... It is because after I've been announced as husband to their daughter... Her parents hastily stood and condemned me, and I only remember the sentence. "We still can't accept this"... I am the person that very understood because Marie is their only daughter that just 17 years old same with me, schooling in the same institute...For now, only me, Marie and our big web of families know about this... Tomorrow then, we're going to school, pretending like friends, greeting our friends without showing the sign that we're husband and wife... As usual, we study in same classroom but different table and seat... Many of my friends get closer to Marie cause of her cute, pretty and elegant style in herself in every second... Everyday, the same thing happened... I'd just be jealous of her getting closer with my friends... For 1st and 2nd day, absolutely i can hold myself when noticed my wife just being surrounded by them...but now, i can't stand lasts longer...
Suddenly, my body moves on its own that had been control by my red angry emotion to my  wife's seat and...

be continued in 3 days later ...
gtg ...
cklap !! (-_-)

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